Cancellation Policy

Last Updated: October 2, 2023

1. Introduction

Welcome to (“we,” “our,” or “us”). We appreciate your trust in our pandit booking services for your puja needs. This Cancellation Policy outlines the procedures and terms for canceling your pandit bookings and requesting refunds through our platform.

2. Booking Cancellations

a. Cancellation Process: To cancel your pandit booking, please review the specific cancellation policy associated with the service you have reserved. Each type of puja and pandit may have different cancellation terms and timeframes.

b. Cancellation Policies: Please be aware that cancellation policies may vary based on the type of puja, the selected pandit, and the duration of notice provided. It is essential to review and understand the specific cancellation policy associated with your booking.

3. Refund Policy

a. Refunds: If your cancellation is eligible for a refund, we will process the refund according to the terms specified in the applicable cancellation policy. Refunds, if applicable, will be made to the original payment method used for the booking.

b. Processing Time: We aim to process refunds within 7 business days from the date of the cancellation request. Please note that the actual refund timeframe may vary depending on your payment provider.

4. Return Policy

As we offer services for pandits to perform pujas, traditional product returns do not apply. However, if you encounter any issues or concerns with the pandit service you received, please promptly contact our customer support team at the email address provided below. We are dedicated to addressing and resolving your concerns effectively.

5. Initiating a Cancellation or Refund

a. Cancellation Requests: To initiate a cancellation and request a refund, please contact our customer support team at [email protected]. Be sure to provide your booking details, and our team will guide you through the cancellation process.

b. Service Concerns: If you have concerns or issues related to the pandit service you received, please get in touch with us within 2 days of the service date. We are committed to resolving your concerns and, if necessary, taking appropriate actions in line with our service quality standards.

6. Contact Information

Should you have any questions or require assistance regarding cancellations, refunds, or service-related concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team:

Email: [email protected]

Address: Krishan Mandir Model Town, Gurgaon

7. Fairness and Transparency

We prioritize fairness and transparency in our cancellation and refund processes. Our goal is to promptly address your concerns in a manner that is equitable for both you, our valued customer, and our business.

8. Changes to the Policy

We may update this Cancellation Policy periodically to accommodate operational, legal, or regulatory changes. Any revisions will be posted on our website. We encourage you to review this policy periodically to stay informed about the latest terms and conditions.

This Cancellation Policy is designed to provide clear guidance and fairness to our customers when managing pandit bookings for pujas through our platform. It ensures a transparent and user-friendly process for handling cancellations and service-related matters. For full legal compliance, we recommend consulting with legal counsel to ensure alignment with applicable laws and regulations